Community Engagement Guidelines

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Demonstrating Success

in the Victorian public sector

By and large, most Victorian public sector organisations implement their community engagement initiatives very well..

But how transparent is the planning and documenting of the activities they undertake? Do they have an evidence-based community engagement governance process which is compliant with government expectations?

In short, Victorian public sector organisations should be able to demonstrate their successful community engagement initiatives, both internally and externally.

So despite how well your organisation implements community engagement initiatives, can you clearly demonstrate that you have met all the elements of the government's VAGO guidelines?

Best Practice

Are you striving for best practice, being a leader in your industry?

If you don't want to fall behind others in your industry, then you need CommGage.


How confident is your organisation that the government expectations are being followed?

If you don't have confidence that your organisation is working within government guidelines, then you need CommGage.


Do your communications and engagement staff spend too long writing plans that wouldn’t measure up against an audit?

These little info boxes are great for building up keywords that people might search for via Google. Keep it short but on topic.


Does your organisation have an evidence-based planning & reporting system that leads to improvement over time?

If your organisation needs a more structured long term, evidence-based system, then you need CommGage.


Do your engagement staff spend too long writing plans that wouldn’t measure up against an audit?

If writing plans and reports to measure up to government guidelines takes up valuable staff time, then you need CommGage.

Key point #6

Final fake sub-title

These little info boxes are great for building up keywords that people might search for via Google. Keep it short but on topic.